MOUD Services - Harborview Medical Center - Adult Medicine Clinic
Accepting new patients. Provides buprenorphine and naltrexone prescriptions in a medical clinic setting. Primary care services are also offered. Patients will meet with an RN/MD to undergo a brief evaluation prior to be connected to MOUD services. Counseling is not required to receive services. Polysubstance users are accepted on a case by case basis as patients goals around usage are determined. Pregnant women are accepted on a case by case basis.
Physical Address
325 9th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104
M W Th F, 8am-4:30pm; Tu, 8am-8pm.
Interpreter services
Agency info
Harborview Medical Center
Comprehensive community mental health clinic provides crisis intervention and mental health services to adults, including next-day appointments for mental health screening. Also offers chemical dependency treatment for those with co-occurring disorders, psychiatric case management and geriatric services.