MOUD Services - We Care Daily Clinics - People's Harm Reduction Alliance Center University District
Same day appointments available during business hour on Mon, Tues, and Thurs, 1:30pm-7pm. Call or text to set up appointment. Program offers both in person and virtual appointment options. This is a low barrier, rapid access program for those wanting to be prescribed Opioid Use Disorder medication in the form of Buprenorphine. Will work with Poly substance users. Accepts pregnant women on a case by case basis. Can not work with adolescents at this time. Counseling is not required for eligibility. Medications is usually prescribed same day as first appointment.
Physical Address
4548 Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, Seattle, WA 98105
Mon, Tues, and Thurs 1:30pm - 7:00pm. Via virtual or in person. Walk ins welcome during business hours.
Interpreter services
Agency info
We Care Daily Clinics
Program provides comprehensive opioid use disorder outpatient counseling, supplemented with medication assisted treatment services.